Condition judgment.


If it would like to do the different work by a condition,
how should it be done?
By program, condition judgement with 'IF THEN' statement is done.

10 input a
20 if a=100 then print "Pefect"

? 100  (input any numerical value from keyboard here)

By the program, [print "Pefect"] is carried out only when input 100.
[a=100] is dtescription for judging 'a' equal '100', not substitution.

a<100 'a is smaller than 100'
a>100 'a is bigger than 100'
a<=100 'a is 100 or less'
a>=100 'a is 100 or more'
There are these judgments.

10 input a
20 if a<100 then print "small" else print "big or ="

This program is,
when conditional expression is right then, the statement following 'THEN' are carried out,
when it isn't so then, the statement following 'ELSE' are carried out.

Execution example
? 300  (input any numerical value from keyboard here)
big or =

When judging on two or more conditions.

if a>50 and a<100 then print "OK"
'and' is used judging when matching both of two conditions.

if a<100 or a/5=0 then print "OK"
'or' is used judging when matching any one of two conditions.

Multi statement.
To describe the multiple statement in a single line.

10 input a
20 if a=100 then locate 10,10:print "Pefect"

'locate' is the command to move a cursor to the specified position.
Separating by colon":", plural commands can be described with line up.
In this case, if the condition is true,
after moving the cursor to position(10,10), "Pefect" is displayed.