CHDIR pathname
To let current-folder move to new 'pathname'.
Currentp-folder is the folder working present.
In the file specification of each command,
when it is omitted specifying absolute path with
"/"(root) at the beginning,
it's judged as a file
under current folder.
By 'chdir' command, it's
possible to move current folder
to the location
of "current-folder/pass-name" newly.(subordinate move)
By description "../" of the beginning,
it's possible to move to upper pass
relatively.(multiple description OK)
chdir "test"
'move to "mnt/sdcard/and.bas/test/"
chdir ".."
'move to upper folder
chdir "../txt"
'move to upper folder, and move to lower
File system
There are two basic current-folder to handle the
file, the next.
Specifying SD card side:
/mnt/sdcard/ Android4.4
/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/and.bas/files/ Android10 or
Startup subpath(followed behind the
Android10 or later: The initial subpath is null.
Specifying main storage side:
/data/data/and.bas/ Android4.4
/data/user/0/and.bas/files/ Android10 or later
Startup subpath(followed behind the current-folder)
files/ Android4.4
Android10 or later: The
initial subpath is null.
When specifying SD card side and start-up,
usually, it start
from here.(and.bas/ is subpath)
/mnt/sdcard/and.bas/ Android4.4
(Sometimes, there are different case by depend on the
the majority of the models will be in this
A part of this subpath can move by 'chdir'
but can not go up to upper than current-folder.
The 'mkdir' command can create a new folder.
Key-assign state is saved main storage side.
The current folder name can be acquired in
Save & load by command.
When the head start with "/", it mean to have
specified the full path.
e.g. load"/mnt/sdcard/my/test/file1.bas" just described
When non "/" beginning,
it's judged as the path & file-name that it
continue in present current-folder.
e.g. load"file1.bas" -> mnt/sdcard/and.bas/file1.bas
(judged as this)
And, to refer to hierarchy upper, "../" can be
used like DOS.(multiple OK)
e.g. load"../my/file1.bas" -> mnt/sdcard/my/file1.bas
(judged as this)
(up to upper 'sdcard/' once, and
down to 'my/')
*The location without access
permission can't be accessed.
Load by dialog (Menu>Load)
The file list is displayed, it can be loaded by
touch & selection.
folder(sentence-end"/") is chosen, it will be in the folder movement.
For move to hierarchy upper, chose '..'.
When load file, it became that it have been
'chdir' to the location automatically,
Current-folder is transferred to that location.
*When finish dialog by back-button, load is not executed,
Only current-folder move by 'chdir' is done.
When chose 'New folder', it becomes text input
mode for folder-name,
A new folder can be
Save by dialog (Menu>Save)
It can input file name and save.
It's saved in the location of the current-folder.
By entering the path-name at the head,
it can specify the path following a current.
When want to specifiey the path of the hierarchy
Please put the "../" in the head,(multiple
File deletion management:
Program 'filedel.bas' can do file deletion work in
the current folder.
(Selected one is deleted)
(Not empty folder cann't be deleted)
File name can also be changed by choosing
About models that SDcard cannot access by
Android4.4 models usually cannot access the SDcard
unless rooted.
Some Android5.0-9.0 models with SDcard path type of
UUID(xxxx-xxxx), it cannot access SDcard.
These can access SDcard now
as Current folder by the next operation.
To create 'and.basf' folder
under the following folder with FileExplorer App.
For Android4.4
models: /sdcard/Android/data/
For Android5.0-9.0 models:
After creating folder, and start Basic
app, (load,save)access become possible at its location.
Please note
that this folder disappears when uninstall the app.