When it is turned on 'Setting: File operation lock.',
 The Execute of the 'copy, kill, name, mkdir' statement is prohibited entirely.
 Please use an OFF setup at the time of use.


 [Features] The list of the files of the specified path is displayed.

 [Format] FILES ["pathname"]

    When "pathname" is omitted, it becomes current folder.
    Choice display using '*' is possible.  "pathname/*.*"

 [e.g.] Only text files of current folder is displayed.
    files "*.txt"


 [Features] To copy file from "copyfile" to "newfile".

 [Format] COPY "copyfile","newfile"

    The location without access permission can't be accessed.



 [Features] To deleted a file and a folder.(Equivalent to del,rmdir)

 [Format] KILL "file folder name"




 [Features] To rename from "filenameA" to "filenameB".

 [Format] NAME "filenameA" as "newnameB"




 [Features] To create a new folder specified in the "foldername".

 [Format] MKDIR "foldername"

    It's possible to create multiple folders as "folder1/folder2/folder3/" toward the lower layer.

     'last"/", none/with OK.


 [Features] To let current-folder move to new 'pathname'.

 [Format] CHDIR "pathname"

     Currentp-folder is the folder working present.
     In the file specification of each command,
      when it is omitted specifying absolute path with "/"(root) at the beginning,
      it's judged as a file under current folder.
     By 'chdir' command, it's possible to move current folder
      to the location of "current-folder/pass-name" newly.(subordinate move)
     By description "../" of the beginning,
      it's possible to move to upper pass relatively.(multiple description OK)

     chdir "test"
     'move to "mnt/sdcard/and.bas/test/"
     chdir ".."
     'move to upper folder
     chdir "../txt"
     'move to upper folder, and move to lower "txt/".


 [Features] The specified files are compressed, and the zip archive file is built.

 [Format] ZIP [switch],"Archive file name.zip", "Compressed file name1" [,"Compressed file name2"]...

    The number of specified compressed files is compressed and it is made one archival file.
    When there is no specification of a path in the file,
     the file is considered to be the file in the current folder.
    An archival file will also be generated by the current folder if there is no specification.
     -j Archive without folder information.
     After extracting, the location of folder hierarchy is not restored.
     When this option isn't specified, folder information is held and is reflected in restoration.

    zip ,"arc.zip","gd1.png","gd2.png","mnt/sdcard/and.bas/txt/text1.txt"


 [Features] The compressed file of zip form is decompressed.

 [Format] UNZIP [switch],"Archive file name.zip"

    Extracting files are generated to a current folder.
    There is no switch at present.

    unzip ,"arc.zip"


 [Features] To return the length of the specified file.

 [Format] LOF("filename")


  print lof("file1.dat")


 [Features] System, Current folder name is acquired.  (function)

 [Format] CURDIR$(n)

    n=0 Current folder  e.g.:mnt/sdcard/and.bas/
     It be various folder names depending on the model.
     The one except 'and.bas/' of the end become folder name of SD card.(with exception)
     When Internal is selected in Setting, the same folder name as the Internal storage is returned.
    n=1 Internal Storage  e.g.:data/data/and.bas/files/
    n=2 SQL folder  e.g.:data/data/and.bas/databases/

    This current folder's position may differ depending on the models.
    To write program that run on any model,
    place all files under the current folder, and
    'Path and files' should be specified in this format.

    kill curdir$(0)+"man/dat1.txt"


 [Features] The file name of the specified path is acquired.    (function)

 [Format] dir$(["Path/File"] [,n])

    "Path/File" The folder to acquire is specified. (""-Current folder)
     n=0 A file is acquired.
     n=1 A folder is acquired.

    The acquisition that it sorted by a wild card[*] is possible.

    After the second, do it without a parameter,
    It can acquire a value sequentially.
    After all are acquired, ""(null) is returned.

    Also without the second parameter, It can check for the existence of a file or folder.
    When it exist, return the name, when there is nothing, return ""(null).
    e.g. if dir$("test.bin")="" then print"Not find"

    10 a$=dir$("mnt/sdcard/",0)
    20 while a$<>""
    30 print a$
    40 a$=dir$()
    50 wend