[Features] The specified sprite is displayed on a screen.

 [Format] SP_PUT n,(x,y), [,pt] [,Reverse-switch]

    n: Sprite number. It can be used to 256 pieces.
    x,y: Coordinates to display. The value including a decimal is OK.
    pt: The pattern number defined by 'SP_DEF'.
    Reverse switch: 0.(or omitted)no reverse  1.X-reverse  2.Y-reverse 3.XY-reverse
    So that Sprite number is bigger, the priority of the indication becomes higher.

 [e.g.] The example of sprite use.
   100 circle(7,7),7,col(9)
   110 circle(7+16,7),7,col(10)
   120 circle(7+32,7),7,col(12)
   130 get@(0,0),48,16,(0,0)
   140 sp_def 0,(0,0),16,16
   150 sp_def 1,(16,0),16,16
   160 sp_def 2,(32,0),16,16
   170 sp_on 0,1:sp_on 1,1:sp_on 2,1
   180 dim x(3)
   190 for i=1 to 100
   200 sp_put 0,(x(0),16),0 : x(0)=x(0)+1
   210 sp_put 1,(x(1),48),1 : x(1)=x(1)+2
   220 sp_put 2,(x(2),80),2 : x(2)=x(2)+3
   230 vsync
   240 next

    *Speed up by the abbreviation.
    If specifying only sprite number as 'sp_put 10' and omit the following,
     it will reference directly to the address of variable specified before.
    By describing by variable specification at first, and omitting at the time of loop,
     it's possible to speed up in mass sprite.
     sp_put i,(cx(i),cy(i)),cp(i)
     for i=0 to ec
     sp_put i
     'In this example, referring to the value directly from address of 'cx(i),cy(i),cp(i)'
     'There is use cases in the sample'acsamp.bas'.


 [Features] Definition of pattern position in the Graphic buffer.

 [Format] SP_DEF n,(x1,y1),x2,y2

    Start point (x1,y1)
    x2,y2 = sprite width.
    n: The pattern number to define. It can be defined to 256 pieces.


 [Features] Sprite display/nondisplay is switching.

 [Format] SP_ON n,sw

    n: Sprite number.
    sw=0 Hide
    sw=1 Normal Sprite display
    sw=2 Zooming Sprite display
    When specifying '2'->Zooming Sprite,
     it can be displayed at any magnification specified by 'sp_zoom'.


 [Features] To make sprite move automatically by specified moving pattern.

 [Format] SP_MOVE n,[pt],[d1],[d2],[d3],[d4]

    The set-up Sprite continue moving every frame.
     n: Sprite number
     pt: moving pattern
     pt=1 Now, moving pattern is only [No.1]straight-moving.
    To move X-direction by 'd1'.
    To move Y-direction by 'd2'.
    The moving amount can be specified by a decimal unit.

    In [d3][d4], the animation pattern of sprite is specified.
    Let be base-point displayed sprite-pattern which defined by 'sp_def',
    in Graphic buffer to rightward, by sprite's width unit,
    to be specified by [d3] to how many pieces it shifts.
    (Beforehand, it draw animation pattern to Graphic buffer as arranged in horizontal)
    Animation pattern will loop in the specified number.
    For example, if [d3]=4 is specified, it starts from the base point No.1,
    and if it come to the 4th pattern, the next it return to No.1 pattern.
    How many frames required to move to the next anime pattern, it is specified by [d4],

    If specify pt=0, moving and animation will stop.
    Information of current sprite's coordinates can be acquirable by 'sp_stat' function.
    Since auto moving is performed in this command at every frame,
     in (,i)mode, timing can not keep up and it may become different behavior from (,c)mode.

 e.g. Sprite auto move & animation, swap sample
    100 screen 1,1,1,0:cls 3
    110 for i=0 to 15
    120 if i>7 then j=7-(i-8) else j=i
    130 circle(i*32+16,16),7+j
    140 next
    150 get@(0,0),32*16,32,(0,0):cls 2
    160 sp_def 1,(0,0),32,32
    170 sp_def 2,(0,0),32,32
    180 sp_on 1,1
    190 sp_on 2,1
    200 sp_move 1,1,1,0,16,8
    210 sp_put 1,(32,100),1
    220 sp_put 2,(32,200),2
    230 while -1
    240 vsync 256
    250 sp_swap 1,2
    260 k=-(k-1)
    270 print "Swap move sprite ";k+1
    280 sp_put k+1,(32,sp_stat(k+1,1)),1
    290 wend


 [Features] To specify expansion rate of zooming Sprite each.

 [Format] SP_ZOOM n, [EX-rate(XorAll)], [EX-rateY], [Rotation angle]

    In Sprite, to specify Expansion rate & Rotation angle.
    n: Sprite No. (0~Sprite max number-1)
    Expansion rate: 1=No expansion. 'Less than 1' is reduction.
    When specified 2nd parameter [EX-rate(XorAll)] only,
     it is discriminated to be expansion rate of both x and y.
    When specified 3rd parameter [EX-rateY],
     x and y are discriminated as independent expansion rate.
    By specifying [Rotation angle],
     it's possible to make rotate Sprite by 360 degree unit.(right turn)
    For Zooming-Rotation Sprite, it is necessary to specify 'sp_on SpriteNo,2'. (c.f. sp_on)
    The axis of rotation is always the Sprite center.
    Zooming Sprite display base point is specified by 'SP_ORDER'.(edge or center)
    'Zooming-Rotation Sprite' can not do these.
     XY-Reversed display, 'sp_move' automatic movement, 'sp_hit' collision judgment.
    At the moment 'Zooming-Rotation Sprite' does not be supported to 'OpenGL mode'.

    sp_on 12,2
    for i=0 to 360
    sp_put 12,x,y,pt
    sp_zoom 12,1+i/100,,i
   Sample etc. "smp_spzoom.bas"


 [Features] To specify the starting number of sprite display priority order.

 [Format] SP_ORDER n

    To specify the starting number of sprite display priority order.
    Usually sprite is displayed,
     Number 0 is the most backward, Number 255 is the most forward. (Default n=0)
    For example, if specifying 'sp_order 64',
    display priority will be this.
    [Backward] 64~255 0~63 [Forward]

    [BasePosX] [BasePosY]
    It set the coordinate specification of zooming Sprite where to do.
    Coordinate specification is possible in the upper left, the center of Sprite, etc.
    About designation method and its unit, Unit 1 = half size of enlarged Sprite.
    Example sp_order ,0,0
     This is coordinate specify with [upper left].
    Example sp_order ,1,1
     This is coordinate specify with [central part of enlarged Sprite].
    The base point is shifted to lower right only by [half size] x [Specified number].
    (The Sprite display shift to the upper left)
    It's possible to set different values for x and y.
    The normal Sprite are always specified coordinate at the upper left.


 [Features] All the state is exchanged between two sprite.

 [Format] SP_SWAP sp1,sp2

    The sprite number for exchange is specified by 'sp1','sp2'.
    The Data exchanged
    XY coordinates, size-XY, pattern, display-ON/OFF state, margin size,
    collision target & value of 'sp_hit()', 'sp_move'-moving pattern & data.


 [Features] To acquire various information of sprite.

 [Format] SP_STAT(n,d)

    n: Sprite number.
    d: Get the type.
     0: x position.
     1: y position.
     2: The width of the pattern size.
     3: The height of the pattern size.
     4: Pattern number.
     5: Hide=0  Display=1
     6: SP_MOVE: Moving pattern number.
     7: SP_MOVE: Data1 (X moving amount)
     8: SP_MOVE: Data2 (Y moving amount)


 [Features] Wait until the screen drawing is updated regularly(1/60sec), and take the timing of synchronization.

 [Format] VSYNC [n]

    FPS(Frames Per Second) is set as 60 with this version.
    This statement grasps the last updating, and check whether new updating is made,
     if updated, it will progress to the next command.
    When 'n' is specified, it becomes n/60-second interval.(default n=1)
    By describing it in loop, movement of Sprite is kept by the constant speed.

   100 line(0,0)-(31,31),col(9),bf
   110 get@(0,0),32,32,(0,0)
   120 sp_def 0,(0,0),32,32
   130 cls 3 : sp_on 0,1
   140 for i=1 to 300
   150  x=x+1: y=100
   160  sp_put 0,(x,y),0
   170  vsync 1
   180 next
   190 x=0 : goto 140


 [Features] It is investigated whether Sprite is inside of  BG Graphics view range.

 [Format] SP_OUT(Sprite number) 

    Inside   return=0
    Outside return=-1
    In the area of screen inner side,
     it can be expanded by the specified amount of 'BG_GDSET' 3rd parameter.
    Default = 1 pixcel widely for all directions.
    (So as the Sprite that appeared in 'BG_GENE' not to disappear immediately)

   if sp_out(1) then print"outside."


 [Features] It perform a collision judgment between Sprite.

 [Format] SP_CHECK

    The candidate for a collision of each sprite is beforehand set up by 'SP_TARGET'.
    The information on sprite overlapping when 'SP_CHECK' is performed can be read by 'SP_HIT'.
    When making collision size smaller than the appearance of sprite,
     the margin have to be specified by 'SP_MARGIN'.


 [Features] The sprite No. of the overlaid sprite is returned.  (Function)

 [Format] SP_HIT(n,m)

     n: The Sprite No. to cause it.(Range0-255)
     m: (m-th) The Count number in order.
     m=0: The number of the sprite which has collided is returned.
     m=1-: Subsequently, Sprite No. of a target which has collided is returned.
    Specification more than the number of collisions will return -1.
    Undisplayed sprites are out of judgment.
    (When origin is undisplayed, a collision number is 0 piece.)

    When No.1 has collided with No.4 and No.6.
     sp_hit(1,0) -> 2
     sp_hit(1,1) -> 4
     sp_hit(1,2) -> 6
     sp_hit(1,3) -> -1


 [Features] To specify the scope of collision of each sprite.

 [Format] SP_TARGET n, start, end

     n: Sprite No. to cause it.(0-255)
     start-end: The range. (0-255)
    The collision judging range of the specified sprite
     is made even into 'end' position from 'start' position.
    When no judgment, 'start' position is made into a bigger value than 'end' position.


 [Features] The size of the margin portion which doesn't have a collision judging at sprite is specified.

 [Format] SP_MARGIN n,m

     n: Sprite No.(0-255)
     m: The number of margin pixels.
    If 0 is specified, it will become the same judgment size as display size.

     0000    e.g.
     0880     This is sprite size 4.
     0880     '0' expresses the margin space.
     0000     Margin size=1 (Area which doesn't collide)

 [e.g.]  Sample of sprite collision judging

    100 line(0,0)-(15,15),col(9),b
    110 get@(0,0),16,16,(0,0) :cls 3
    120 sp_def 0,(0,0),16,16
    140 sp_on 0,1:sp_on 1,1
    150 sp_target 0,0,1
    160 sp_margin 0,2
    170 sp_put 1,(100,100),0
    180 x=x+1
    190 sp_put 0,(x,y),0
    200 sp_check
    210 for i=1 to sp_hit(0,0)
    220 print"Hit no";sp_hit(0,i)
    230 next
    240 if sp_hit(0,0)>0 then stop
    250 vsync
    260 goto 180


 [Features] Returns the distance between two sprites, calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

 [Format] SP_DIST(Sprite No1, Sprite No2)

    The distance is from the center of one sprite to the center of the other.
    This function, combined with the 'sp_hit' function, allows for circular collision detection.
    Also, by pairing this with the following 'sp_bmx/sp_bmy' functions, you can calculate the vector (direction and speed) of a sprite moving from No2 towards No1.


 [Features] In combination with 'sp_dist', it calculates the X,Y movement towards a target.

 [Format] SP_BMX([speed])  SP_BMY([speed])

    The immediately preceding 'sp_dist'(No1 target sprite, No2 base sprite) has stored the linear distance r and the X,Y distances respectively.
    This forms a right triangle using the two sprites as coordinates.
    By dividing the width and height by the distance (X/r, Y/r), the movement amounts in X and Y directions towards the target can be calculated.
    Since it's divided by the distance r, the magnitude of the X,Y movement vector is the size of 1 pixel, but the movement speed can be adjusted by specifying a [speed] multiplier (supports decimals).
    Values less than 1 will slow it down.
    If omitted, it will be the previously specified [speed] (default is 1).
    In the prior 'sp_dist', please specify the target sprite first, followed by the base sprite (the chasing side).

   [Example]  [smp_dist.bas]
    100 cls 3:pen ,,1
    110 screen ,,1
    120 line(1,1)-(14,14),col(15),b
    130 pen ,,0
    140 bg_view ,,,,size(0)\256
    150 sp_def 0,(0,0),16,16: 'Define a square sprite
    160 sp_on 0,1:sp_on 1,1:sp_on 2,1
    170 sd=sp_bmx(4): 'Specify speed as 4 times (once is enough)
    180 sp_put 0,(128,128),0: 'Base sprite
    190 x1=128:y1=128
    200 for i=0 to 16000
    210 if i mod 256=0 then y2=irnd(256): 'Random Y appearance position
    220 sp_put 1,(i mod 256,y2),0: 'Target sprite
    230 sp_put 2,(x1,y1),0: 'Sprite moving towards the target
    240 x1+=mx:y1+=my: 'Add to move
    250 if i mod 40=16 then
    260 d=sp_dist(1,0): 'Calculate & store r, X, Y to the target with dist
    270 x1=sp_stat(0,0): 'Copy the X-coordinate of the base appearance position
    280 mx=sp_bmx(): 'Determine X movement amount (direction) per frame
    290 y1=sp_stat(0,1): 'Copy the Y-coordinate of the base appearance position
    300 my=sp_bmy(): 'Determine Y movement amount (direction) per frame
    310 endif
    320 vsync
    330 next


 [Features] To write text in sprite buffer and display the text by sprite.

 [Format] SP_PRINT pt,"string", x, y [,fontsize]

    pt: Pattern number defined by 'SP_DEF'.
        It's specified position of buffer to write the text in this frame.
    "string": Text string to be written to the sprite buffer.
        If let it to chr$(12), it becomes the same function as 'CLS'.
        (Clear all characters in the area)
    x,y: Character coordinates to be written.
        pt-specified area: upper-left (0,0)
        To specify coordinates in character units.
    fontsize: size of the character.(omissible)
        It can also resize by 'font' command.
        It have influence to displayable word count.
        The size is rounded to multiple of 8 pixels.

    The flow of display by 'SP_PRINT'.
    To allocate a place to write text with 'SP_DEF',
     and assign actual display with 'SP_PUT','SP_ON',
     and specify display position,
     text is actually written in the buffer by 'SP_PRINT',
     and it will be displayed on the screen.
    It's possible to use it like text display window by one sheet sprite.

    Further, it is necessary to specify colors in advance.
    To be used the same command as the text screen setting.
    Command usage: color text-color, graphic-color
    'text-color' is [SP_PRINT's textfont color],
    'graphic-color' is [background fill color]
    At first please set this:
    color col(15),0
    background color->black:transparent.(default=white)
    Because text can be overwritten repeatedly,
    the previous text will be cleared each time by this background color.

 [e.g.]   "smp_spprint.bas"
    10 color col(15),0
    20 sp_def 1,(128,128),160,96
    30 sp_put 1,(32,32),1
    40 sp_on 1,1
    50 sp_print 1,"SC-12800",1,1
    60 sp_print 1,"LEFT OOO",1,2