[機能] 音声認識で入力された文字列を返します。

 [書式] EX_RECOGN$(n)

  最初に s$=ex_recogn$(0) の記述で音声認識のダイアログが表示されるので
  また認識された言葉の候補は複数あるので n の値を1,2...と変えることで
     10 s$=ex_recogn$(0)
     20 print s$
     30 i=1
     40 while ex_recogn$(i)<>""
     50 print ex_recogn$(i):i=i+1
     60 wend


 [Features] To return string that have been entered in the speech recognition.

 [Format] EX_RECOGN$(n)

     First, by description of 's$=ex_recogn$(0)',
      the dialogue of speech recognition is indicated,
      please speak the word input to the smart phone.
     When the input is finished, input string assignment to string variable.
     When there are no voice input for a few seconds,
      dialog is closed and return null-string("").
     Since the candidates of recognized words is more than one,
      by changing the value of n to 1,2... and,
      be able to get the string for the next candidate.
     When there are no candidates any more, to return null-string.
     The kind of language inputted will be the one chosen
      by (Android setting) 'Language and Input'>'Language'.

    10 s$=ex_recogn$(0)
    20 print s$
    30 i=1
    40 while ex_recogn$(i)<>""
    50 print ex_recogn$(i):i=i+1
    60 wend